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Results for "keyword: "conscious aging""
Aging with Grace The fascinating story of how women in seven convents contributed positively to scientific studies on aging and Alzheimer's disease.
Longevity Examines the hope that the baby-boomer generation will use their last years to create the good society they yearned for in their youth.
New Passages An ambitious and informative study of second adulthood, or those years from 45 to 85 years.
Traveling with Pomegranates A reflection by Sue Monk Kidd as she approaches age 50 on the desire to make a pilgrimage.
Being in the Zone with Chungliang Al Huang A Tai Ji master discusses Taoist persepctives on time, balance and conscious aging.
Conscious Aging Six-hour audio presentation honoring elders as bearers of wisdom. healing, creativity and vision.
The Spirituality of Age A story from Margaret Mead that illustrates the value of the elderly to a society.
Understanding Men's Passages An edifying guide to the changes in the lives of post-patriarchal men.
Daffy Definitions for Seniors Bernadette McCarver Snyder on how yawns are contagious and can be passed on to others.
1000 World Prayers Roger Lesser's prayer on why questions no longer taunt him.